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Ringside Display

The ringside display was developed working with NAFA judges. The information provided is the information judges need to assist in officiating races.

Ringside Display


Attach an external monitor to the laptop being used to score the ring. We find that a 27" or larger monitor works best. A smaller monitor can be used with only downside being how visible the information is at a distance.

Attach the monitor to the laptop. Adjust the 2nd monitor in your computer settings so that the desktop is extended to the second monitor.


Do not mirror desktop to the external monitor. Be sure to extend to the external monitor.

In Flyball Manager select Ringside Display from the Windows menu. Now position the window on the external monitor by dragging the window by the title bar to the external display. Finally, click Full Screen in the lower right of the ringside display window. The window now expands to the full size of the screen.

Point the monitor toward the ring to allow Judges to see the information on the screen.

Reading the screen

Race information

The display shows the following items:

  • race number
  • division
  • format
  • breakout time

for combined divisions, both divisions are displayed with the left data for the left team and right for the right

Heat lamps

The left side of the screen you will find heat lamps. These lights show the status of each heat for the current race.

  • grey - indicates light is off
  • red - team in right lane won the heat
  • green - team in left lane won the heat
  • blue - no winner for the heat